Upgrading A PostgreSQL Database Running In Docker

This quick guideline shows how to upgrade an existing database running on PostgreSQL major version X to major version Y, given that the database server is hosted in a Docker container.

Published on Wed, June 14, 2023

As it turns out, upgrading to a new major version of PostgreSQL takes work. So I had to google around and converse with ChatGTP4 to complete the puzzle. This quick guide is the result and is meant to be documentation for my future self. Hopefully, it will be helpful for you.


  1. The database is running in Docker.
  2. Docker Compose is used to orchestrate all containers.
  3. The Docker Compose file contains a service called db, which uses an official postgres image.
  4. The container name when running will be myapp_db_1.
  5. The application and database is called myapp.

1. Export The Existing Data

[ $# -lt 2 ] && { echo "Usage: $0 <postgresql dump> <dbname>"; exit 1; }
sed  "/connect.*$2/,\$!d" $1 | sed "/PostgreSQL database dump complete/,\$d"

Run it: ./pg_extract.sh upgrade_backup.sql mydb >> upgrade_backup_mydb.sql.

2. Upgrade PostgreSQL

Open the Docker Compose file through vi docker-compose.yml and adjust the config for db. Assuming you upgrade to version 15, this would look like the following snippet. Note the new image name and the new local data directory name. That ensures we do not interfere with the old database files, as the new ones are most likely incompatible. Make sure to create that directory as well through mkdir postgres_15.

  image: postgres:15-alpine
    - "5432:5432"
    - $HOME/myapp/postgres_15:/var/lib/postgresql/data
  restart: always

3. Import The Existing Data

Done! 🎉

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